About us

about us background

Family owned

Being a small family owned company means a lot to a lot of people, but only when actually stay a small family owned company. when your like Cerdafied Handyman Services LLC that stay at the personal level with personal pricing that leave the bigger companies only dealing with projects over a certain $. You get what you want and need instead of what they tell you that want! Not here, we are here to help all that need that quick fix or upgrade with speed and precision. From trim to roofing we’re here! Here at Cerdafied Handyman Services LLC we take care of own and OUR customers at every step! Every detail is lined out and every concern is addressed immediately because YOU do matter!! Attention to detail is a MUST! Small or large jobs we treat them the same cause our great customer service is the key to our success. All referrals are greatly appreciated.

Frequently asked questions

1. Who provides the materials?

We always prefer to provide the material, but sometimes it may ease the customer to get exactly what they want instead possibly getting a detail incorrect and losing progress on the job.

2. Do I need to be home for my appointment?

No, not always because the work maybe exterior and with the use of technology we are seen at every level!

3. Does your work come with a guarantee?

Yes, our work always comes a guarantee or warranty based on the project and products that are being used. Note: some repairs may not be covered with a warranty!

4. How does pricing work?

Most the pricing is custom but you do have your every day pricing due to standard items.

5. Do you offer financing?

Yes we do offer financing with many for payments and lengths of time from 6 months to 60 months depending on amount.

We're here when you need us

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